Uwe Techt: Goldratt and the Theory of Constraints

Goldratt and the ToC

‘Uwe Techt: Goldratt and the Theory of Constraints’ provides a brilliantly in-depth overview of Goldratt’s famous business management theory. The book takes the Theory of Constraints and applies it to practical business situations, exposing some of the theory’s shortcomings and offering some startling new perspectives.

For those who have not yet come across the ToC, this book offers a crash course in business management. Written in sharp, concise prose, with helpful summaries and frequent ‘food for thought’ sections, no matter what your level, it’s impossible to read this book without experiencing a sharp learning curve. Techt uses bullet points and easy to follow Five Step Plans to ensure that this book is accessible and useful to all.

This book is perfect for aspiring successful business managers everywhere. The plethora of facts, statistics, diagrams and graphs ensure that even those already familiar with the ToC also gain new insights and ideas about fresh applications of the theory.

The best part of this book for me was its engaging tone. Although technical language is used, Techt ensures that readers are never lost. Analogies are dotted in to aid understanding. Techt often employs several different analogies in each section, so as to guarantee complete comprehension. Each analogy is more creative than than the last and I thoroughly enjoyed unpicking and exploring each one. The wealth of comparisons, examples and analogies mean that its easy to apply the ToC to all situations and business models.

This helpful guide offers a fresh perspective on the ToC, as well as new ideas on its practical applications. Techt places the keys to success in the hands of business managers everywhere, and although the book isn’t very long, readers are bound to emerge very knowledgeable indeed.


2 thoughts on “Uwe Techt: Goldratt and the Theory of Constraints

  1. where can i buy and what’s the price of this book?

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